Event Details

HKIRA IR Awards is entering its 8th year in 2022. The Briefing Session will cover all you need to know about entering the Awards as well include individual sharing and panel discussions by previous award winners and chairman of the panel judge.

You are highly recommended to join our Online Briefing Session to know more about this annual event of the industry. You will get to know how the Awards are selected by the panel judges, meet the previous Award winners, and most importantly get to how the Award-winning companies and individuals have established themselves as the leading professionals in the industry with their Awards and recognition gained in this annual campaign.

โ€ป Introduction about the Awards โ€ป

- Different stages of the Awards

- Various award categories

- Important dates etc.

โ€ป Remarks by chairman of the Panel Judge โ€ป

- Significant statistics

- How to ensure a fair & balanced evaluation & selection of award winners etc.

โ€ป Sharing by Previous Award Winners โ€ป

- Individual sharing by award winners

- Highlights of IR campaign

- Panel Discussion

- Factors perceived to get the support of investors

- How IR can incorporate into the corporate strategy  

- Q&A 

โ€ป Closing and Q&A โ€ป

- How to nominate?

- Materials to prepare beforehand

- Fee

- Deadline etc.

Language:  English and Cantonese

Fee:  $100 per person

*Valid coupon can be redeemed by HKIRA member.


  • Online registration only. Deadline: 4 May 2022 (Thu)
  • Seats are limited and will be available on a first-come-first-served basis. Seat would only be secured upon confirmation of payment.
  • Reservation is non-cancellable and non-refundable.
  • Program may be subject to change.
  • The link to the webinar will be sent to the registered email closer to the event date.


    Dr. Eva Chan

    Chairman, Hong Kong Investor Relations Association

    Head of Investor Relations, C C Land Holdings Limited


    Dr. Chan is the Head of Investor Relations of C C Land Holdings Limited (stock code: 1224). She has more than 25 years of experience and was the CFOs and company secretaries of various listed companies in Hong Kong. She is mainly responsible for formulating the IR strategies for the company and conducting meetings with investors and fund managers all over the world. She also leads in a number of corporate finance exercises and corporate restructuring activities.

    Dr. Chan is an Independent Non-Executive Director of Capital Environment Holdings Limited (stock code: 3989) and Xtep International Holdings Limited (stock code: 1368) and is appointed as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Accounting and Finance of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    Dr. Chan graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting. She then received her MBA degree from the University of Nottingham. She also obtained a DBA degree from the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. She is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association, a fellow member of the Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute, a fellow member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

    Professor Louis Cheng

    (Chairman of the Judging Panel)

    Dr. S H Ho Professor of Banking and Finance

    Director of the Research Centre for ESG

    Director of the Research Institute for Business

    The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

    Dr. Cheng is the Dr. S H Ho Professor of Banking and Finance. He is also the Director of the Research Centre for ESG as well as the Research Institute for Business at the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. He is a member of the Investment Committee of the Hospital Authority Provident Fund Scheme in which he leads the effort in promoting ESG integration for an investment portfolio of about USD 8.74bil (as of March 2020). Dr. Cheng actively engages in ESG and green finance research. In addition to publishing on Green Bond, he received various research donation and grants related to ESG and financial services for a total exceeding HKD8mil. He is also a coauthor of a book chapter titled "Fintech Unicorns" in The Palgrave Handbook of Fintech and Blockchain, 2021.

    Dr. Cheng is a member of the Business Studies Assessment Panel for Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector under the Research Grants Council (RGC). He also served as a member of the Business Studies Panel (Joint Research Schemes) for the RGC, Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal Panel, and University Council and Trustee Board of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Pension Fund. He is currently a member of the Examination Board of The Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK). Dr. Cheng has over 100 articles and books published including the Journal of Finance. Dr. Cheng is an author of Fundamentals of Financial Planning, and the lead author of Financial Planning and Wealth Management: An International Perspective, both by McGrawHill. Dr. Cheng served as a project consultant for various organizations including the United Nations, Bank of China, Investor Education Centre (IEC), SFC, MPFA, Value Partners, Agricultural Bank of China, BCT, Fubon Bank, HKEx, Charles Schwab, Tai Fook Securities, and HKSI.

    Mr. Kevin Leung, 

    Company Secretary and Investor Relations Director

    China Resources Beer (Holdings) Company Limited


    Mr. Leung is the Company Secretary and Investor Relations Director of the Company. He joined the Company in May 2008 and was previously the Deputy General Manager of Investor Relations. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Leung had worked for international accounting firms in Hong Kong. Mr. Leung has extensive experience in external auditing, finance and accounting, regulatory and compliance as well as investor relations. Mr. Leung holds a degree of Bachelor of Arts in Accountancy from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a degree of Master of Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a fellow member of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.



    Admission for one (1) individual to the event.

    Standard Price HKD 100
    Free Ticket for IR Award Participants (Max. 2 tickets per company)

    * 2xComplementary tickets will be given to 8th IR Awards participating company.
    - Participating companies must accept the nomination and complete the payment to redeem the complimentary tickets.
    -HKIRA reserves the final say on the complimentary tickets

    Standard Price Complimentary


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