Event Details

The Investor Relations Annual Symposium will be organised on 14 December 2021 in a hybrid format, with the theme of "ESG: Investors' Perspective".

This half-day live-streaming event will bring together hundreds ofguests from the local and overseas IR industry, investment community, as well as C-levels and senior management representatives of listed companies, and other finance market elites.

IR specialists and industry experts will gather to exchange insights and stimulate lively discussions on the latest and most relevant topics in the industry, aiming to provide advance IR knowledge and skills, inspire C-levels and IROs for their professional challenges, and promote sustainable development of the IR industry as an indispensable part of the Financial services in Hong Kong.




3 hours (For HKIRA Members only upon Request)


$100 for HKIRA members

$300 for non-member

Registrations & Remarks:

  • Online registration only. Deadline: 10 December 2021.
  • HKIRA will confirm availability by email notification. HKIRA reserves the right to final say in registration discrepancies.
  • The link to the Symposium will be sent to the registered email closer to the event date.
  • Reservation is non-cancellable and non-refundable. 


Welcome Speech

Dr. Eva Chan


Hong Kong Investor Relations Association

Dr. Chan is the Head of Investor Relations of C C Land Holdings Limited (stock code: 1224). She has more than 25 years of experience and was the CFOs and company secretaries of various listed companies in Hong Kong. She is mainly responsible for formulating the IR strategies for the company and conducting meetings with investors and fund managers all over the world. She also leads a number of corporate finance exercises and corporate restructuring activities.

Dr. Chan is an Independent Non-Executive Director of Capital Environment Holdings Limited (stock code: 3989) and is appointed as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Accounting and Finance of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Dr. Chan graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting. She then earned her MBA degree from the University of Nottingham. She also obtained a DBA degree from the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. She is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association, a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries, a fellow member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Guest of Honor Speech - Positioning of Hong Kong as Asia's Sustainable Finance Hub

Mr. Joseph H. L. Chan, JP

Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury,

The Government of Hong Kong SAR

Mr Chan was appointed the Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury on 16 August 2017.

Mr Chan has many years of senior executive experience in the banking industry. He was a Managing Director in the Global Markets Division of Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank, and was a Managing Director in Financial Markets of Standard Chartered Bank.

Prior to joining the Government, Mr Chan held multiple roles in a number of public and professional bodies, including Vice President of the Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts, Director of Hong Kong Securities & Investment Institute, Advisor of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society, as well as a General Committee member of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. Mr Chan was also a member of the Central & Western District Council.

Mr Chan holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Hon) and Psychology from the University of Michigan, USA. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Keynote Speech - Low Carbon Transition and Path to Net Zero

Ms. Grace Hui

Managing Director

Head of Green and Sustainable Finance, Markets Division

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited


Grace Hui is the Head of Green and Sustainable Finance at Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX). From 2013 to April 2020, Ms. Hui was the Chief Operating Officer of HKEX's Listing Division responsible for structured products & fixed income, primary market information, listing policies, listing enforcement and accounting affairs. Prior to joining HKEX, Ms. Hui was with UBS in various roles including Chief of Staff and Global Chief Operating Officer of UBS Legal & Compliance Department. Ms. Hui co-chairs the Market Development Work Stream and the Carbon Market Work Stream of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group established by Hong Kong Monetary Authority and Securities and Futures Commission. Ms. Hui is an Honorary Adviser and a member of the Inspection Committee of the Financial Reporting Council; a member of both the Regulatory Oversight Board and the Sustainability Committee of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Presentation #1: Fireside chat: Incorporation of ESG Analysis into Buy Side Research & Best Practices

Jack Luo, CFA, CPA

Greater China Governance Analyst

Fidelity Investments

Jack Luo is a greater china governance analyst in the Equity division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and other financial products and services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and individuals.

In this role, Mr. Luo is responsible for conducting governance, forensic accounting, and due diligence research on companies in the greater China region. Additionally, he works closely with portfolio managers and fundamental analysts to integrate ESG investment strategies and focuses into Fidelity's investment process.

Prior to assuming his current role, he was senior sector specialist from January to December 2020, and sector specialist from 2014 to 2019.

Prior to joining Fidelity in 2014, Mr. Luo was a manager of forensic accounting and fraud investigation at Ernst and Young from 2013 to 2014. Previously, he worked as a manager of forensic accounting, due diligence, and fraud

investigation at FTI Consulting from 2009 to 2012, and as an accountant at Ernst and Young from 2007 to 2009. He has been in the financial industry since 2007.

Mr. Luo earned his bachelor of business administration degree in electronic commerce from City University of Hong Kong. He is also a CFAยฎ charterholder, and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

William Shanley, CFA

Managing Director of Research

Fidelity Investments

William Shanley is managing director of research in the Equity division at Fidelity Investments. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing, and other financial products and services to institutions, financial intermediaries, and individuals.

In this role, Mr. Shanley is responsible for managing Fidelity's Hong Kong and Tokyo-based analysts and associates.

He also co-manages the Fidelity Enduring Opportunities Fund, Fidelity Disruptive Automation Fund, Fidelity Disruptive

Communications Fund, Fidelity Disruptive Finance Fund, Fidelity Disruptive Medicine Fund, Fidelity Disruptive Technology Fund, and Fidelity Disruptors Fund.

Prior to assuming his current responsibilities, Mr. Shanley was a research analyst and a research associate. He has been in the financial industry since joining Fidelity in 2004.

Mr. Shanley earned his bachelor of science degree in marketing and finance from Boston College. He is also a CFAยฎ


Panel Discussion #1 Investors' Panel


Jonathan Drew

Managing Director, ESG Solutions, Global Banking



Jonathan Drew leads the ESG Solutions Group for Global Banking at HSBC. Jonathan graduated with an MA in Economics from Cambridge University in England and is also qualified as a Chartered Accountant. Jonathan started his banking career more than 20 years ago in London and after working in rapidly emerging Latin America and raising capital for large scale projects in the Middle East has been based in Hong Kong since 1997 witnessing first-hand the rapid growth of Asia and notably China. During this time he has been involved in successful transactions across a wide range of sectors including advising on and arranging finance for projects that produce and deliver energy (renewable and non-renewable) and transport people and resources from source to point of consumption as well as a wide range of infrastructure projects in social and education sectors with a focus on resource efficiency and sustainability. These transactions have involved supporting projects, corporates and institutions to approach various financial markets and structuring innovative and tailored products including to meet the often large and specific needs of clients in markets with very distinct financial and regulatory characteristics. In recent years Jonathan has also been responsible for the structuring and delivery of sustainable bonds, loans and other financial support for corporate and institutional clients as well as collaborating with colleagues in the markets business in the creation of sustainable investment opportunities for clients. Jonathan is a member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Green Finance Association and also chairs the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association Green and Sustainable Loan Committee.



Stephen Andrews

Managing Director, Co-Head of Global Emerging Markets Equities



Stephen Andrews, Managing Director, is the Co-Head of Global Emerging Markets Equities for the Fundamental Active Equity division of BlackRock's Active Equity Group. Mr. Andrews is responsible for setting regional equity investment strategy, developing BlackRock's GEM investment platform and capabilities, and managing several regional equity strategies including the Asian Core strategy, the Asian Unconstrained Strategy and regional Income strategies. He is also research pod leader of the North Asia Financials, Real Estate, and Tech pod.

Prior to joining BlackRock in November 2017, Mr Andrews spent a 20-year career in the investment industry. During this time he has worked (and been based in) a variety of markets including Europe, the Middle East and now Asia. Prior to joining he was Head of Asian Financials Research and co-Head of Global Banks coverage at Deutsche Bank in Hong Kong.

Mr. Andrews earned a Bachelor of Engineering degree (1st class) from the University of Birmingham, UK, in 1996.


Eric Nietsch, CFA

Head of ESG, Asia

Manulife Investment Management

Eric Nietsch is Head of ESG, Asia, with Manulife Investment Management. His main responsibilities include conducting proprietary research to assess the investment risks and opportunities related to the sustainability strategies of companies operating in Asia, evaluating ESG exposures at the portfolio level, and defining and leading an active ownership agenda for the region. Prior to joining Manulife Investment Management, Singapore-based Eric led the Sustainable Finance team for Asia-Pacific at S&P Global, where he helped to develop and launch S&P's ESG Evaluation Framework. He worked closely with analysts across the region to evaluate ESG exposures in corporate and infrastructure entities. Before joining the Sustainable Finance team, he covered various sectors as a credit ratings analyst at S&P in both the US and Asia. Prior to S&P, Eric worked as an equity portfolio analyst at Barclay's in New York, and on the special situations desk of the boutique investment bank StormHarbour Partners. Eric is a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Society of Singapore. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Colgate University in the US. 


Janet Wong

Vice President - Investment Stewardship, Asia ex-Japan | Sustainable Investing

J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Janet Wong, Vice President, is an Investment Stewardship Specialist for the Asia ex-Japan region, based in Hong Kong. She works on engagement with corporate directors and management on investment issues involving stewardship, management incentives, and social and environmental sustainability in Asia ex Japan. She is also responsible for advising analysts and portfolio managers regarding the E, S and G profiles of the companies in which we invest and co-ordinating proxy voting activity.


Prior to relocating to Hong Kong, she worked as an ESG engager at Federated Hermes Equity Ownership Services (EOS), a leading stewardship provider for Federated Hermes clients and global institutional investors, based in London. She started her career in HSBC Global Banking's Hong Kong coverage team.


She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Global Business and Management from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a Master of Public Administration degree in Social Impact from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is a CFA Charterholder.

Presentation #2 Rating methodology from ESG Rating Agency

Michele Leung

Executive Director

Client Coverage, ESG Research


Michele Leung is an Executive Director, Client Coverage of ESG Research in MSCI. Based in Hong Kong office, she leads the ESG business in Greater China. With over 16 years of investment experience, Michele has extensive product knowledge across different asset classes and promoted sustainability investing to institutional investors in Asia. Prior to joining MSCI, Michele has held previous roles at S&P Trucost, Hang Seng Indexes, S&P Dow Jones Indices, JP Morgan Private Bank, China International Capital Corp and HSBC Broking Services. Michele is a certified FRM. She holds a BSc in Civil engineering from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, a Master of Science in Investment Management from the University of Science & Technology in Hong Kong, and Graduate Diploma in English & Hong Kong Law.

Panel Discussion #2 Case Study: Corporate Sharing for E, S and G practical tips


Sammie Leung


PwC Hong Kong

Sammie Leung is a Partner of ESG Services in PwC Mainland China and Hong Kong. As the subject matter expert, she has long been engaged in ESG and climate change related issues. With a team of 400+ Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) professionals, the nationwide practice offers four key services: Sustainable Finance, Responsible Investment, Climate Change & Sustainable Value Chains.

Sammie's team serves 100+ companies, and different policy makers such as HKEX, SFC & HKMA in sustainable finance; together with providing services across different industry sectors, such as Finance Services, Telecommunications, Real Estates, Consumer Markets etc, in ESG disclosure advisory work, including reporting in accordance with major reporting frameworks such as Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and Hong Kong Stock Exchange ESG Guide.

Sammie assists corporate clients in setting science-based target, decarbonisation strategy design and implementation.

She also supports clients start or enhance their Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) journey by through identification of climate-related risks, performing science-based scenario analysis, measuring, and disclosing corresponding financial impacts.

For asset managers and owners, Sammie led the SFC survey on integrating Environmental, Social and Governance Factors and Climate Risks in Asset Management in 2019. Her project experience also covers ESG integration framework design, ESG strategy, climate-related risk integration and assessment for different types of investment houses.

Sammie serves multiple roles in professional associations on ESG related matters, including the Academy of Finance (AoF), the Hong Kong Green Finance Association (HKGFA), the Working Group of Centre for Green and Sustainable Finance under the Cross-Agency Steering Group โ€“ Working Group โ€“ Capability Building. She has been serving as a member of the External Audit Committee of a tertiary education entity in Hong Kong for over seven years.

Sammie is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Accountants (HKICPA) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).


Angus Guthrie

Director, Investor Relations

CLP Holdings Ltd.

Angus Guthrie has over thirty years experience in the energy industry including twenty years working in Investor Relations and related roles. He has led the Investor Relations program at CLP Holdings Ltd in Hong Kong since 2014.

Originally trained as a geophysicist Angus worked in oil and gas exploration for a number of companies in Australia, progressing from technical assessments to undertake management roles in exploration, gas- commercialisation, planning and strategy. He worked on the demerger of Boral Energy from its parent Boral, to form Origin Energy in 2000 before taking on the role of Investor Relations in 2001. Over ten years Angus built and led the Investor Relations program for Origin as the market capitalization grew from around A$1 billion to A$15 billion. He joined the CLP subsidiary EnergyAustralia in 2012 before moving to Hong Kong to lead the investor relations program for CLP in 2014. In addition to his work in Investor Relations he works closely and collaboratively on strategy, sustainability and commercial issues within the group. 

Angus holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Honors, a Masters of Business Administration and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. In 2008 Angus was awarded Best Investor Relations Officer by Peer Vote in Australia. He joined the Board of the Australian Investor Relations Association (AIRA) in 2009 and was Chairman of AIRA from 2011 to 2013. He is currently a Panel Member of the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association.


Miranda Wong

Senior Manager, Sustainability

New World Development Company Limited

Miranda Wong is currently Senior Manager of Sustainability at New World Development Company Limited and K11 Concepts Limited. Prior to this role, she was a project manager of the company's Impact Kommons, Asia's first UN Sustainable Development Goals-focused startup accelerator, where she initiated the programme's impact reporting. She previously held positions in media and investment banking, covering the consumer/retail, technology and cleantech industries. Miranda holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from UC Berkeley.


Kuan Yu OH, CAIA

Senior Director, Operations

Value Partners Group Limited

o In charge of day-to-day operations of thefirm.

o Joined Value Partners in September 2020.

He has over 20 years work experience in the financial services industry. Prior to joining Value Partners, he was Managing Director, Corporate Advisory at Odyssey Capital Group where he was responsible for the development and operations of corporate advisory business. Before that, he was a Vice President in the IPO Vetting Department of the Listing Division at the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited. He was also an investment analyst at CLSA Research, Hong Kong and a portfolio manager at UBS Global Asset Management, Australia.

o Holds two Master of Commerce degrees in Funds Management and Professional Accounting from the University of New South Wales, a Master's degree in International Public Affairs from The University of Hong Kong, and Bachelor of Commerce degree in Economics and Finance from the University of Sydney. He is a holder of Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst ("CAIA") charterholder.



Admission for one (1) individual to the event.

Member Price HKD 100
Standard Price HKD 300


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